FAQ Solar Bags
Can my solar bag also supply my notebook with power?
One of our greatest challenges is to come up with solar bags that can also operate and charge notebooks. Notebooks require a higher constant level of charging power than most of the solar bags on the market can currently supply. Whilst your solar bag is able to charge most small devices (cell phones, digital cameras, MP3-players, etc.) with enough power when there is sufficient light, it is not actually able to supply a notebook adequately. However, SUNLOAD has a Solar Power Bank, the SCGII plus, that can do just this. Here, an intelligent electronic charging system in combination with a solar accumulator, similar to that of a notebook, ensures that you can also operate a notebook or charge the device in the bag. To ensure effective solar operation of a notebook on the solar bag, we recommend also using an optionally available solar folding module such as e.g. the SUNLOAD 25Wp or the 62Wp folding module. These expansion modules are connected in parallel to the solar panel integrated in the bag and significantly reduce the charging times of the internal solar power storage unit.
What devices can I charge or operate with my solar bag?
You can charge and operate all electrical small devices on the solar bag – i.e. cell phones, smartphones, satellite telephones, MP3 players, PDA's, game consoles, navigation systems, digital cameras and camcorders. If you want to operate laptops, we seriously recommend the use of an additional solar folding module.
One of the special features of our SCGII plus is the option to supply several devices with power at once. The three jacks of the SCGII plus (1 x 12V CLA and 2 x USB) can also be used at the same time. Also, you can charge two standard accumulators of the type AA and two accumulators of the type AAA.
How do I connect my cell phone or notebook to the solar bag?
It is very easy. In connection with the SCGII plus, even the most basic versions of the SUNLOAD solar bag are equipped with a car lighter adapter (CLA) and two USB slots. Simply use the car (CLA) or USB adapter for your cell phone or notebook. If you don’t have one of these adapters, you can order one from us. We have brand name universal adapters for cell phones, universal adapters for small devices and notebook adapters in our program.
How can I tell if my bag is working?
The SCGII plus of your bag has an easy user interface with which you can see the charging status of the internal accumulator, the charging process itself etc. at all times. The easiest thing to do for all bags is – connect the cell phone or small device and look at the charging display of the end device: If this indicates that the device is currently charging (Don’t forget to turn the SCGII plus on beforehand!).
It is possible for the solar bag to discharge the battery of my end device?
SUNLOAD has several safety levels in its storage module to protect your end devices. Naturally, these also include a micro processor-controlled discharging protection feature.
What happens if the bag gets wet?
If only the solar panel gets wet just rup it dry. The connectors and the Solar Power Bank of the SUNLOAD-solar bags are attached in the bag protected against wet and damp. If the Solar Power Bank is wet let it dry for a few days before use and call SUNLOAD Service for assistence.